Creating A Positive Learning Environment
Hadley School students are expected to respect every student’s right to learn and be safe at school. We are all responsible for contributing to a positive learning environment.
The members of the Hadley School community believe that all children should have the opportunity to reach the highest level of educational, social, and civic achievement. Our students possess a wide variety of learning styles and developmental needs. We must meet those different needs so that each child can grow to his/her fullest potential. In order to achieve these goals, all segments of the Hadley community are viewed as equal partners in this journey, and they must remain so if the school is to function as a vibrant environment for learning.
Hadley School students are expected to respect every student’s right to learn and be safe at school. We are all responsible for contributing to a positive learning environment.
Students are expected to maintain courteous, safe, and responsible behavior while in the school, on the playgrounds, and Hadley School.
Policies and Procedures Governing Positive Learning Environment 2005-06
The members of the Hadley School community believe that all children should have the opportunity to reach the highest level of educational, social, and civic achievement. Our students possess a wide variety of learning styles and developmental needs. We must meet those different needs so that each child can grow to his/her fullest potential. In order to achieve these goals all segments of the Hadley community arc viewed as equal partners in this journey, and they must remain so if the school is to function as a vibrant environment for learning.
Students are expected to follow directions of teachers and all other school personnel while in the school buildings or on school grounds.
The Principal and School Adjustment Counselor meet with all students during the first week of school to review positive learning expectations as reflected in our Code of Conduct. Teachers and students develop classroom rules which supplement the Code. The staff will direct students to follow school rules and successfully choose appropriate behaviors. Consequences for misbehavior will be consistently and fairly administered. It is our belief that by working together as a team, your child’s school experience will reflect excellence. It is our policy that students be held accountable for their own actions.
Failure to abide by the guidelines established in the Hadley School Code of Conduct will result in the following corrections:
- Games involving physical contact are not permitted (jumping on one another or knocking others to the ground).
- Throwing snow, ice, stone, sticks, or other objects not used in children’s games is not permitted.
- The use of cruel or discriminatory language is not permitted.
- The use of bicycles, roller blades, skateboards, motorized scooters etc., on the playground during school hours is not permitted.
- Proper table manners are expected in lunch rooms. Sharing of food, shouting or throwing of food, bags, and other containers, etc., is not permitted. Students are expected to deposit their unused lunch materials in trash containers provided for this purpose.
- Gum chewing is not permitted.
- Refusal to expeditiously comply with reasonable requests, directions, or commands of authorized school personnel is not permitted.
Violation of Guidelines in Level 1 Misconduct may result in the following corrections: temporary loss of privileges, verbal reprimand by teachers or principal and a written resolution to a problem. If Level 1 Corrections are repeatedly violated the Principal may impose Level 2 Corrections.
- Disruptive behavior, fighting, including any behavior which impedes the orderly conduct of normal school activities and/or which is threatening or intimidating to students and school personnel or visitors in not permitted.
- Using profane, obscene, or other socially unacceptable language is not permitted.
- Harassment or bullying of any person on school grounds is not permitted.
- Leaving school without the permission of authorized school personnel is not permitted.
- Possession of drugs, smoking materials, beverages, and potentially dangerous devices are not permitted.
- Possession of offensive printed material and inappropriate use of the internet (during school hours) are not permitted.
- Taking the possessions of others without permission is not permitted.
- Damaging or destroying school equipment, supplies, or using them in an unsafe manner (or for an unintended purpose) is not permitted.
- Writing on desks is considered vandalism to school property.
Failure to follow guidelines noted in Level 2 Corrections or any of the Level 1 Corrections may result in in-school suspension or after school detention. In- school suspension will be undertaken by the Principal or his/her designee after a meeting with the student’s parents/guardians where upon the details of the in-school suspension will be determined. If Level 2 Corrections are repeatedly violated the Principal may impose Level 3 Corrections.
- Any student who is found on school premises or at a school sponsored or school related events, in possession of a dangerous weapon or controlled substance may be subject to suspension from the school.
- Any student who assaults a school staff member on school premises may be subject to suspension from the school.
A. LEVEL 1,2 3 CORRECTIONS- It is our goal at Hadley School to help students make positive corrections to their behavior. As a part of every levels corrections students may engage, to the best of their ability, in a written exercise which would help to resolve a problem ( apology note, a letter describing a better choice, etc.).
B.AFTER SCHOOL DETENTION- If a child has violated a Level 2 Misconduct he/she may be assigned to ASD (After-School Detention). The day of the infraction the child will bring home notification that he/she will be assigned to ASD the subsequent afternoon from 2:15 P.M.- 2:30 P.M.
C. IN –SCHOOL SUSPENSION- LEVEL 2 CORRECTION- Another option for violating a Level 2 Misconduct is in-school suspension. The parent/guardians will be notified directly of this correction. The following school day the student will be assigned to a quiet supervised area where he/she will work on class assignments for the entire school day. The following school day the parent/guardian will be required to accompany their child to a conference with the school staff.
D. SUSPENSION- LEVEL 3 – If a Level 3 Misconduct is violated the child will be suspended from school. A parent/guardian will be notified by the school principal. The terms of the suspension will be determined by the school staff. A parent/guardian/ school staff meeting will held to discuss these terms.
Hadley Volunteers Guidelines – See Volunteer Handbook
A volunteer is:
- To participate in a program orientation and training, if needed.
- To sign the volunteer/visitor book upon arrival and wear a volunteer badge while in the building.
- To maintain a record of all volunteer hours.
- To be dependable and prompt. If a volunteer appointment can’t be kept, notify the school contact as far in advance as possible.
- Volunteer work is to remain CONFIDENTIAL.
- Discuss with appropriate personnel
- questions regarding school policies or procedure.
- individual student issues.
- Follow school regulations, as explained in the District Handbook.
- Communicate with the teacher about goals, methods, discipline and assignments.
- Recognize the volunteer’s role as a model in behavior, speech and dress to children.
- Work with students in supervised areas designated by teachers.
Work collaboratively with the classroom teacher as a member of a 2-3 person team to accomplish the duties and responsibilities listed below.
- Act as liaison for the PTA:
- Attend as many meetings as possible.
- Share information with class families.
- Lead off classroom phone chain in case of emergency.
- With approval of classroom teacher, coordinate classroom social events
- ( holiday parties, end of the year event)
- Communicate with ALL classroom families and solicit support surrounding class parties and class events.
- Support teacher through assisting with special days, field trips, and classroom projects.
We expect our students:
- To proceed from the cafeteria in a safe and orderly fashion to the playground.
- To remain visible to the recess monitors at all times.
- To seek out the recess monitors in the event of any difficulty.
- To include all classmates in recess activities.
- To follow the guidelines of behavior and activities set forth by the recess monitors.
- To follow the Hadley School “Code of Conduct.”
- To respond promptly to the signal for the end of recess, by lining up and moving safely and quietly into the building.
We expect our students:
- To maintain orderliness in the lunch line.
- To remain seated at all times unless given permission to leave the table.
- To maintain a quiet conversation level with students in the immediate area.
- To throw away his/her trash when the class is dismissed.
- To leave his/her table and area neat and clean.
- To use good manners at all times.
- To interact with school staff in a polite and respectful manner.
This dress code has been adopted on the premise that students who dress and groom themselves neatly, and in an acceptable and appropriate manner are more likely to become constructive members of the Hadley School community.
General Guidelines:
- Clothing containing offensive slogans, symbols and other suggestive or controversial designs is not allowed.
- Hats, scarves, bandanas or hair coverings are not to be worn by students except at special events/occasions designated by the staff or principal.
- Pants, shorts, etc. are not to be worn below the waistline.
- Apparel that is too tight, too short or exposes the midriff will not be allowed.
Prescription and over-the-counter medication CANNOT be carried on a students’ person at any time. Only the school nurse or designee can dispense medication. The following must accompany the medication:
- A signed doctor’s note
- A signed letter or consent from the parent/ guardian
- The student’s name on the medication
- Dosage to be given
- How the medication is to be administered
- The time and frequency of administration
- SANDY the Starfish is the Hadley School’s mascot S.A.N.D.Y. is the basis for our Code of Conduct, catches students being good, and reminds students when they need to make a better choice.
safety, attitude, negotiate, determination, YOU matter!
This link represents only a portion of the Swampscott Public Schools Handbook. Please be advised that the Handbook is presently being revised.