Big Blue Bargains Thrift Shop


We are a 501c3 thrift store benefiting the community of Swampscott, MA.


Big Blue Bargains (BBB) is a town wide thrift store run by parent volunteers. BBB benefits the Swampscott community by providing the residents a way to recycle and reuse items locally that may have otherwise been thrown out or sent to another charity, while raising funds for local charities and needs.

Visit Big Blue Bargains!  BBB is located at the former Clarke School Portables at 155 Norfolk Ave. When visiting BBB, you can expect to find gently used clothing and accessories for adults and children. BBB also has sports equipment, unique and antique items, and a variety of household goods and decorations.

Volunteer at Big Blue Bargains!  BBB is run by volunteers. Visit our sign-up page any time. Plus, one of the benefits of volunteering is that you receive  20% off your purchases! Thank you for donating your time by volunteering at Big Blue Bargains Thrift Shop.

Donate to Big Blue Bargains! Donate locally – our community will benefit from your donations. Earned funds are donated directly to the local community. Donations are only accepted during the hours of operation; please see the BBB website for what types of donations are accepted.


Store and donation hours:

Tuesdays 5:30pm to 7pm

Thursdays 9:30am to 12pm

Saturdays 9 am – 1 pm


Big Blue Bargains is on Facebook! https://www. facebook. com/ BigBlueBargains 

Big Blue Bargains is on Instagram:

Check the Big Blue Bargains website:  http://www. bigbluebargains. org/

Questions about BBB: